Reimagining Indonesia’s New Capital City: Foresight Approaches for an Inclusive Smart Forest City
UNDP Indonesia's Accelerator Lab in partnership with the government and civil society is working on the ‘Anticipatory New Capital City’ project, which aims to generate community insight into the national development agenda
Data-Driven Approach in Flood Mitigation: From Physical to Digital Infrastructure (Part 2)
In disaster-stricken regions around the world, access to updated information about conditions on the ground has become essential for humanitarian workers to determine the focus of assistance pouring into these areas and their subsequent distribution.
Data-driven Approach in Flood Mitigation: Collective Mapping Journey and Complex Systems
Floods are one of the most common natural hazards. According to a recent study, an estimated 1.47 billion people globally are exposed to its substantial risks. Majority of the at-risk population live in low- and middle-income countries. Indonesia has the third highest absolute population exposure to flood risk, where 76 million people or 27 percent of its population are prone to flooding.